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Respond to cloud threats. Fast.

Obok delivers a centralized approach to secure your cloud, from threat detection to response in real-time, powered by AI.

Comprehensive security at your fingertips

Comprehensive security at your fingertips

Get hundreds of security best practice checks and alerts based on standards, regulations, cloud vendor recommendations and in-house expertise.

Powered by AI

Obok uses customizable execution policies generated by AI to catch vulnerabilities through your cloud.

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Powered by AI

We work closely with your favorite technology providers

Easily integrate with your cloud. In less than 5 minutes you can effortlessly reduce your IT spend.

Meet your regulatory requirements

Non-invasive account access

We cannot start, stop, or modify your instances

We cannot affect the performance of your workloads

We cannot access your code, network traffic, or any private data

Is your cloud secure?

Obok's cloud threat review quickly enables you to determine how to protect your cloud environment with a free assessment.